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Digital marketing is a hot topic in the world of business. In fact, 92% of marketers say that digital channels are critical to their company's success. But what is digital marketing? Digital marketing involves using technology-based tools and strategies to market or promote a business or an organization. It includes social media marketing, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), paid search advertising (PPC), and web analytics among other areas.

So you have decided to get started with Digital Marketing but don’t know where to begin? We’ve got your back! In this post we will go over everything you need to know about starting your first campaign including:


Learn the Basics of Digital Marketing


Digital marketing is the use of digital tools (such as websites, social media, software and applications) to promote or market a product or service.

Digital marketing is the use of the internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines and other electronic devices to reach consumers. It also includes email marketing when used in conjunction with traditional print or television advertising. Digital marketing mixes together different channels to create a personalized experience for customers.

The term “digital” refers to something being represented by a series of numbers that can be read by computers and other devices using only 1s and 0s (binary code). The term “marketing” refers to how businesses try to sell their products or services through various means such as advertising campaigns and public relations initiatives (PR).


Understand Your Audience


Before you can create a coherent, effective digital marketing strategy, you need to understand your audience—and who they are. This means knowing what they want, how they like to consume content, how they like to interact with your business and you as a brand, how they like to be communicated with, and how they prefer to be marketed to. It also involves determining where these people spend their time online (if not on your website).

The first step in understanding this is conducting some research into the browsing habits of your target market. Look at what sites they visit regularly and stay up-to-date on any changes that might affect their behavior.


Define Your Goals


Define your goals before you start. Goals are the reasons for your marketing efforts—the end results you hope to achieve. You’ll want to define a goal for each campaign and measure it against each other. For example, if one of your goals is “increase brand awareness,” then you may want to measure the effectiveness of that strategy by counting how many people saw an ad or clicked on it. You could also set up a goal around increasing sales; if so, measure how many people purchased something after seeing a particular ad or campaign.

If you’re just starting out with digital marketing, aim for small wins—such as getting five new email subscribers a week—before trying to attract more traffic through SEO (search engine optimization) or PPC (pay-per-click). This way you can ensure that your strategies are working while learning what works best with your audience’s needs and preferences over time


Build a Content Strategy


Before you can start creating content, it’s important to understand the basics of a content strategy. A content strategy is a detailed plan for how you will create and distribute your content over time. It should cover all the stages of the customer journey (awareness, consideration, purchase) at both an organization-wide level and by department.

It includes:


  • Defining your target audiences (e.g., consumers vs. business owners)
  • Focusing on one audience at a time, not trying to target everyone at once
  • Defining goals and objectives for each phase or stage in their journey towards purchase
  • Defining your brand voice—how are you going to talk? What kind of tone are we aiming for? How much personality do we want?
  • Creating a calendar so everyone knows what they’re responsible for creating/spreading/posting when
  • Creating a plan that gives an overview of what types of posts people should be sharing from now until further notice


Define an Email Marketing Strategy


Set up an email marketing strategy.


Email marketing is a great way to stay in touch with your customers, keeping them updated about new products and services, as well as promotions and special offers. It’s also a great way to collect customer data because you can use it to tailor future emails based on what they’ve shown an interest in before.* Make sure that your emails look good on mobile devices.

Make sure that your emails look good on mobile devices by testing them before sending them out into the world.* Use email marketing as a tool for content sharing/ distribution across social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter.* Follow up with existing customers who haven’t made purchases recently (within three months).


Be Active on Social Media


Social media has become an important part of any digital marketing strategy. It’s a great way to reach your audience and establish yourself as an expert in your industry.

You can use social media as a platform to build your brand, interact with customers, find content for your website or blog, and much more.


Create a Brand Voice


When it comes to building a brand, your voice is one of the most important aspects. Your brand’s personality should be reflected in all of your marketing materials and social media posts—even if they’re not directly related to you or your business. A consistent tone will help you build trust and credibility with potential customers and clients, as well as establish an emotional connection with them. It can also help them remember who you are over time (which is key for businesses that rely on repeat customers).

Here are some tips for developing a strong personal brand:


Visualize yourself as someone else—like Disney princesses Ariel or Snow White—and ask yourself what qualities they each have that make them unique from each other. You might be surprised at how many similarities there are! When it comes down to it though, this exercise will let you know which qualities align most closely with what makes YOU special too…and those are definitely things worth highlighting online too!


Add User Generated Content to Your Social Strategy


User-generated content is a powerful tool for social media marketing. It’s important to understand the different types of user-generated content and how you can use it in your strategy.


Commentary: User comments on your posts, photos, or videos can give people a sense of what other people think about your brand or product. For example: “This is such an awesome phone! I love how easy it is to use and connect with my family.” This type of comment will make viewers feel connected to other customers (especially if they too have used your product) and encourage them to share their own experiences with the product as well.


Photo Galleries: People love sharing photos on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. You can encourage users by running photo contests where they submit photos that best represent your brand or business (or even just simply asking people to submit their favorite pictures). You can also host weekly photo galleries where anyone can post their best shots from around town—this gives them something fun to look forward too every week!


Optimize for Search Engines


Be as specific as possible. Keywords that are too broad won’t bring in the results you want, so use them sparingly and only when they’re necessary.

Use the right tools to find out whether or not your keywords are being used by other websites.


You can also check Google Trends to see how popular certain keywords might be, which can help you choose which ones to use for your own content marketing efforts. This will also help you know what topics are currently “hot” in the market and give you an idea of what direction people are looking for on Google, Bing or Yahoo search engines right now!

Your digital marketing strategy should include a plan for keyword research since this will help tell what terms potential customers might use when searching online (and thus discovering your business). Some companies even rely solely upon such research when creating their strategy because it helps them understand exactly how consumers behave when faced with various choices available within different categories – including yours!

Measure Your Results, Rinse and Repeat!


Once you’ve got your strategy in place, it’s time to measure your results.

The first step is to make a goals sheet and identify key performance indicators (KPIs). Then, track the relevant metrics for each KPI on a daily or weekly basis.

This will help you understand what’s working and what’s not—and give you insight into how best to optimize your digital marketing campaigns.


After measuring the data from all of your campaigns, look for patterns in how people interact with them. Are some channels more effective than others? Do certain landing pages work better than others at driving traffic? Once you’ve identified which elements are most successful at meeting the goals of each campaign, rinse and repeat!


Digital marketing can be overwhelming, but these tips will help you get started.


Digital marketing is a broad term, so let’s break it down into its three main components: social media management, search engine optimization (SEO), and email marketing. If you’re trying to decide where to start with digital marketing, I’d recommend focusing on one of these areas first—it’ll help you get a feel for the industry and make sure your efforts are having an impact. Once you’ve gained some experience in one area of digital marketing, expanding your horizons beyond that will be easy!




There are a lot of things to think about when it comes to digital marketing. But, don’t worry! We’ve given you the basics so that you can get started right away and start getting results. If you want some more in-depth information on how each strategy works with others in an integrated approach we recommend contacting us to provide you the best possible services and solutions.


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